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New Jersey Council of Divers and Clubs
(We welcome dive clubs, individuals, shops, boats and anyone else affiliated with the diving community)
Founded in 1956 -- reorganized in 1973
The New Jersey Council of Divers and Clubs is now composed of 14 member clubs and some dive shops, boats, and associate and individual members. More than 65 years ago the NJCD&C was formed to promote a positive and safe image of diving and to represent the diving community through its various committees. Presently, the Council is very involved in legislation and regulations maintaining and expanding access to all fisheries for all diving in New Jersey and its adjoining waters. We also monitor and respond to issues involving diver safety, diver access, shipwreck access, beach replenishment, and the artificial reef program ...... to mention just a few topics. Included is the new threat of the industrialization of the ocean off NJ with extensive wind farm development and accompanying issues such as the proliferation of u/w power cables and diving within wind farms areas.
The Council usually meets on the last Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. Our meetings are being held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic and begin at 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome.
Our next Council meeting is : Apr. 9, 2025 (change of date) at 7:30 p.m. via web meeting/conference call. Email us if you want login information.
Nov. 29, 2023 Meeting Materials
Jan. 31, 2024 Meeting Materials
Member clubs please have a delegate attend so we may vote on current issues.
Our next Council meeting after that is : May 28 at 7:30 p.m. via web meeting/conference call-->. Email us if you want login information.
Member clubs please have a delegate call in so we may vote on current issues.
Upcoming 2025 Meeting Dates
- Apr. 9 (change of date)
- May 28
- Sep. 24
- Nov. 19 (change of date)
Welcome to the Council's newest member, the Fun Under the Boat club. Learn about this new club and our other members.
See the Dive Council Booth at the following Dive Events:
- March 9 (Sunday) - Ocean Wreck Divers Flea Market, VFW Post 8867, 373 Adamston Rd., Brick NJ 08723 Flea Mkt. Info
- March 28-30, 2025 (Friday - Saturday - Sunday) - Beneath the Sea, Secaucus, NJ BTS information
How about making your dive club's ideas known? Come to the meetings!
Don't belong to a club - join one!
Want to express your ideas on dive related issues - come to the meetings!
Can't make meetings but want to support the work that the NJ Dive Council is doing? Become an Associate Member (Dive clubs can do this too if they don't want to attend meetings)! The form is on the Council Membership application page. Full Club (voting) membership is $35 a year; associate (non-voting for clubs not in the area and individuals) membership is only $20. You will get a snail mail or e-mail copy (your choice) of the council meeting minutes. Your dues support all the work we do -- it DOES take letters, attending many meetings and even in this tech world - lots of paper!
Now on Facebook! NJ Council of Diving Clubs Facebook
The NJCDC officers (2024-2025):
Chairperson - Mike Lavitt
e-mail: njcdcchair (at) yahoo (dot) com (Metuchen Underwater Divers)
Vice Chair - Joe Fiorentino
Treasurer - James Boylan (Wreck Raiders)
Secretary - Kim Hansen (NJ Divers Assoc.)
No person authorized to fish in LMA 4 shall take, attempt to take, land, or sell lobster from LMA 4 during the closed season of April 30 through May 31, inclusive. No dealer shall accept lobsters from LMA 4 during the closed season. During the closed season all lobster traps must be removed from federal waters. License holders fishing in state waters during the closed season may continue to deploy their gear for the harvesting of other species provided that the gear is tended at least every 30 days Unbaited lobster traps may be set one week prior to the season reopening.
A person authorized to fish in LMA 5 must apply a v-shaped notch, at least ¼ inch deep, in the base of the tail flipper of each egg-bearing female lobster prior to discarding. Also, no person authorized to fish in LMA5 shall take, attempt to take, land, or sell lobster from these LMA’s during the closed season of February 1 through March 31, inclusive. No dealer shall accept lobsters from LMA 5 during the closed season. During the closed season all lobster traps must be removed from federal waters. License holders fishing in state waters during the closed season may continue to deploy their gear for the harvesting of other species provided that the gear is tended at least every 30 days. Unbaited lobster traps may be set one week prior to the season reopening.
The taking or possession of any female lobsters with eggs attached or from which eggs have been removed is prohibited. The taking or possession of female lobsters with a v-notched tail is prohibited. A v-shaped notch is defined as a straight-sided triangular cut with or without setal hairs, at least one eighth inch in depth and tapering to a sharp point as viewed from the rear of the female lobster. The use of any spear, gig, gaff, or other penetrating device is prohibited.
Read the full regulation
NJCDC Home page NJ Scuba Lobster Rules NJ Scuba Diving Rules Council Members
NJ Council Meeting Dates & Map NJ Dive Council Membership Application SCUBA Recalls
NJ Scuba Diving Links NJ Dive Shops NJ Council Diving Awards NJ Council Reef
Artificial Reef Issues Essential Fish Habitat Info Legislation Alerts
NJ Dive Events Dive Events Directions Memorial Wreck Program
Council Archives
New Jersey Council of Divers and Clubs
526 S. Riverside Drive, Neptune, NJ 07753-5841
Contact Us
Another new way to access NJ Council of Divers & Clubs Information: Facebook!
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web updated: 2/4/25 partial